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Giving Proper Counseling Support to the Community

Our Mission

Grief and Bereavement Resource Center, Inc. is a vital 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Columbia, South Carolina which seeks to assist individuals, families, LGBTQ+, veterans, active service members, and their families in expressing their grief healthily and productively. Our mission is to offer a compassionate and understanding environment where individuals can find solace, connection, and practical tools to navigate their grief journey. We also strive to inspire and foster proper grief counseling/coaching support to the community, whether emotional, mental, or financial, and provide grief educational resources. Grief can trigger a wide range of emotions, from shock and anger to guilt and profound sadness. Acknowledging these feelings allows you to process them and gradually find healing. Remember that grieving is a personal process, and there’s no right or wrong way to do it. Be patient with yourself, embrace your emotions, and seek healthy ways to cope with the pain of loss.

What is Grief?

The internal feelings or emotions of how one processes their loss. The loss experienced is internal feelings, emotions, and memories that occur after a person passes away or after a non-death-related loss. Also, the loss could be of a pet, relationship, marriage, or child/ren whose parents are going through a divorce which impacts their grief experienced. Grief is associated with either the death of a human or non-death loss.

According to Leming and Dickerson (2016), human beings are creatures of emotions and reasoning. We are moved with emotions by those who passed away that are close to us. Also, when faced with loss, we seek comfort and as human beings, we should also seek out an understanding of the truth. Also, the anthropological approach deals with the culture and studying rituals of how people deal with death and celebrate life. In every society, death has its way of revealing the cultural values of people’s life and evaluating their experiences.

Leming, M. R., & Dickinson, G. E. (2016). Understanding dying, death, and bereavement (8th ed.). CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing


Make A Difference Today

Do you Have a Sense of Spirituality?

Do you deal with your grief as a spiritual journey? Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Some people can become emotionally or physically exhausted from meditating or praying. These feelings could mean anger toward God or feeling guilty about the loss. There are ways to restore your desire to pray. Have others to pray for you, write out your prayers and be in the presence of God. Also, when you don’t know what to do. I encourage you to read this scripture. Romans 8:26-27. New King James Version

Some Myths about Grief:

There are myths or information about grief that are not true. Some of these myths can cause you to worry or add to the pain and hurt you are already experiencing. Having a strong Christian or spiritual faith will protect you from grief. If you’re strong, you should be able to get through this experience without expressing so much emotion. After two to three months you will be back to normal. Resolving or addressing your grief is causing you to forget about the deceased in order for you to move on with your life. Only immediate family members and best friends will experience significant grief and there are many more.

Donations to the Grief and Bereavement Resource Center, Inc. will go toward assisting individuals during emergency assistance. Some of which may be rent, mortgage, funeral expenses, food, clothing, personal hygiene, and other emergencies connected to the loss of a loved one who was a major contributor to the welfare of the family and members in their household.